In this report, we analyze both similar and different roles played by the traditional rational decision-making model based on profit maximization and the “contextual” decision-making model based on behavioral economics in electric vehicle uptake in Europe, California and East Asia. After summarizing successful attempts of existing examples of behavioral economics in promoting electric vehicle uptake, we preliminarily analyze the great potential of accelerating electric vehicle uptake in three East Asian countries, especially in China, by using the “contextual” model. We hope that this report can encourage the policy discussion for promoting electric vehicle uptake with behavioral economics and help China, Japan and South Korea advance its policy innovation to popularize electric vehicles by learning from each other’s successful measures.
This report consists of six chapters. Chapter I discusses the use of different decision-making models to change people’s behaviors to promote electric vehicle uptake. Chapter II to V introduce the different experiences of traditional policies and policies based on behavioral economics in promoting electric vehicle uptake in Europe, America and East Asia. Chapter VI analyzes the potential of the behavioral economics model in promoting electric vehicle uptake under updated climate policies and provides our policy suggestions accordingly.
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How can Behavioral Change Promote the Development of Electric Vehicles.pdf