Energy Transition and Carbon Pricing (ETCP) Project is cooperated with CANGO (China Association for NGO Cooperation) under the support of BftW (Bread for the World), aimed to maximize the co-benefits of promoting energy and climate policy in Asia, by considering economy, social issues, health and sustainability, thereby reducing environmental conflicts in the region.
On this basis, we collate and summarize the global Energy Transition and Carbon Pricing, and keep updating. Here is the main news of this week.
Environmental experts dismayed by details of Johnson’s ‘New Deal’
Details:Environmental experts dismayed by details of Johnson’s ‘New Deal’
Guest post from The Guardian
Ireland to set annual emissions goals to reach 2050 carbon neutrality
Details:Ireland to set annual emissions goals to reach 2050 carbon neutrality
Guest post from Climate Home News
Airlines’ climate obligations postponed as UN body endorses industry proposal
Details:Airlines’ climate obligations postponed as UN body endorses industry proposal
Guest post from Climate Home News
Japan may close 100 old coal units by 2030 to hit emissions goal
Details:Japan may close 100 old coal units by 2030 to hit emissions goal
Guest post from Bloomberg
China’s 10.2GW hydro project begins operations
Details:China’s 10.2GW hydro project begins operations
Guest post from Enerdata
For more details, please refer to the media page.