In 2019, the topic of climate change has been ever-increasing in popularity. European heat wave has set a new historical record; the United States, the world ’s second largest greenhouse gas emitter, has officially started the process of withdrawing from the Paris Agreement; and the influence of Greta Thunberg, a Swedish environmental activist, has accelerated the climate action and protests around the world. Although many countries have promised to increase their efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the final COP25 negotiations were not satisfactory. The Committee could not reach an agreement on some key issues (e.g. carbon market mechanism) at COP25, and unanswered questions have been kicked to COP26 in Glasgow next year.
This year, Rock Environment and Energy Institute (REEI) continued to focus on the fields of energy policy, carbon market, environment and public health, and published a number of analysis and comment articles related to the above topics, sharing the actions and experiences of countries we have observed in climate change and contributing to the discussion of multiple environmental policy areas such as the establishment of carbon market and the impact of public health. "Environmental Review 2019" includes some articles, and we hope that we can exchange our thoughts with colleagues in the environmental field and the public concerned about climate change, promoting multi-party participation and rational communication.
This year is the fifth time that REEI has published the “Environmental Review”. First of all, we thank the staff who worked hard for this report, and also express our gratitude to friends and partners who care and help us. We still hope that in 2020, we will continue to work towards the establishment of an environmental policy decision-making mechanism based on procedural justice and critical thinking, so as to advance society towards a more inclusive, just and sustainable direction.
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