The government is considering delaying the closure of some of the UK’s last remaining coal-fired power stations due to the impact of the energy crisis and the war in Ukraine.
The West Burton A coal-fired plant in Lincolnshire is scheduled to close this year, ahead of the 2024 deadline for all coal power stations, but government officials have approached energy company EDF to find out if the closure can be delayed and the power station kept online.
The move comes amid heightened concern about use of Russian gas in the UK, which accounts for up to 4 per cent of gas burnt. The UK remains dependent on gas not to fire home-heating systems and for cooking, as well as for electricity. Some 37 per cent of electricity demand in 2021 met by gas power stations.
The rapid phase out of coal in the UK means around just 2 per cent of the energy mix is met by coal-fired power stations, of which there are now just three remaining.
Guest post from The Independent