This week’s surprise news that Germany will decarbonise its electricity by 2035 was the ‘cherry on top’ of its announcement last year that it will aim to end coal power by 2030. Robert Habeck, the federal minister for economic affairs and climate action, presented the new measures on Tuesday, saying that climate neutrality in the electricity sector by 2035 is essential for 1.5C and is “an ambitious target that we will meet.”
Germany was widely anticipated to cling to gas as it clumsily transitioned away from nuclear and coal this decade. But it now has made it clear that the future will be powered by renewables.
Two of Europe’s largest gas power users – Germany and the UK – have now committed to end power generation from this fossil fuel by 2035. The move brings these countries in line with what is needed to keep 1.5C within reach.
Guest post from EurActiv