Time: 2020/11/06 | Location: Beijing
Speaker: Zhao Ang, Xin Yantao, Tang Ming

On November 6, 2020, The Rock Environment and Energy Institute (REEI) and The Green Hospital Committee of the China Association of Building Energy Efficiency jointly held the seminar: “The opportunities for hospitals in the context of low-carbon development: a case study of improvements in energy efficiency of hospital cooling and refrigeration”. This event received tremendous support from Beijing Huilongguan Hospital and the China Academy of Building Research. At the event, REEI summarised the outputs of their programme on improving the energy efficiency of hospital cooling and refrigeration. More than 20 delegates attended the meeting, representing Beijing Hospital Authority, Peking University Third Hospital, Peking University International Hospital, Beijing Ditan Hospital, etc.


Mr. Zhao Ang is sharing

Mr. Zhao Ang, the co-founder of REEI, shared his views on how Chinese hospitals can take responsibility and demonstrate leadership in order to help China achieve its goal of carbon neutrality by 2060. The former Party Secretary, Vice President and Researcher of Beijing Huilongguan Hospital, Mr. Xin Yantao offered his thoughts and suggestions on the construction of green hospitals in response to climate change.  


Mr. Xin Yantao is sharing

    Delegates expressed their opinions in the discussion: How do hospitals contribute to the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and help to limit global warming under the framework of the Paris Agreement? Mr. Feng Bin, representing Beijing Hospital Authority, introduced the state and development of energy consumption audits for Beijing hospitals. He also argued that “hospitals have to take responsibility in helping the country lower carbon emissions. The established hospital energy consumption assessment mechanism should shift to process assessment rather than result assessment in order to better decrease energy consumption.” There was broader consensus among delegates regarding hospitals’ responsibility to contribute to the NDC. Delegates also shared hospitals’ achievements in saving energy and some of the barriers they faced.  


Mr. Feng Bin is sharing


Mr. Li Lirong is sharing

From August to October 2019, the energy audit team of the China Academy of Building Research conducted an assessment of cooling and refrigeration systems in four hospitals, which included Beijing Huilongguan Hospital. This assessment also provided suggestions for improvement. Following discussion, the hospital was selected to be a pilot, adjusting their cooling and refrigeration systems as part of the REEI’s programme. The hospital did the adjustment this year from July to September. The adjustment was found to be an effective measure to improve energy efficiency in the initial evaluation.


Mr. Tang Ming is sharing

Delegates discussed the implementation and results of the programme. Mr Tang Ming, representing Beijing Huilongguan Hospital shared their experience of making decisions in terms of improving cooling and refrigeration system. Mr. Zhang Zhijie, senior engineer of China Academy of Building Research, introduced the detail-oriented energy management of cooling and refrigeration systems, which he felt was worth promoting.


Mr. Zhang Zhijie is sharing

    REEI hopes that the experience from the programme and the suggestions shared in the seminar can be promoted in other hospitals in the future, and also expects that hospitals can take a proactive approach in leading carbon emissions reduction in the hope of spurring other health bodies into action. By doing so, hospitals stand to be a good example for other organisations in helping the country achieve its climate change goals, such as achieving goals of the Paris Agreement, reaching peak carbon emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060.

If you are interested in this seminar, please feel free to contact us. (liying@reei.org.cn)