Energy Transition and Carbon Pricing (ETCP) Project is cooperated with CANGO (China Association for NGO Cooperation) under the support of BftW (Bread for the World), aimed to maximize the co-benefits of promoting energy and climate policy in Asia, by considering economy, social issues, health and sustainability, thereby reducing environmental conflicts in the region.
On this basis, we collate and summarize the global Energy Transition and Carbon Pricing, and keep updating. Here is the main news of this week.
Vietnam extends feed-in tariffs for wind projects to 2023
Details:Vietnam extends feed-in tariffs for wind projects to 2023
Guest post from Enerdata
New British green number plates could allow drivers to use bus lanes and park for free
Details:New British green number plates could allow drivers to use bus lanes and park for free
Guest post from Daily Mail
IEA sets out $3 trillion energy sector recovery plan to spur growth, cut emissions
Details:IEA sets out $3 trillion energy sector recovery plan to spur growth, cut emissions
Guest post from Reuters
Lib Dems unveil £150 billion green coronavirus recovery plan
Details:Lib Dems unveil £150 billion green coronavirus recovery plan
Guest post from The Guardian
For more details, please refer to the media page.